Learn to Skydive
Skydiving is an amazing and exhilarating experience.
We are absolutely thrilled that you have chosen to Learn to Skydive with us!
AFF Skydives
AFF is the most efficient method to becoming a solo skydiver. On this skydive, two USPA-Certified AFF Instructors will exit the aircraft with you; maintaining contact throughout the full duration of freefall until you successfully deploy your parachute. You are expected to initiate the deployment sequence by extracting your pilot chute while also maintaining a stable freefall position.
IAD Skydives
Unlike AFF, the instructor extracts your pilot chute (a small auxiliary parachute used to deploy the main parachute) as you exit the aircraft; initiating the deployment process. The first jump is at a lower altitude with much less freefall time in between your exit and deployment, so that you can focus on good body position and the fundamentals of canopy flight.
Online Waiver
Speed up your check-in time by using our online waiver before you arrive. Click HERE to open the waiver.
Interested in learning more? Check out our blog post for more info about the Student Skydiver Program HERE!
Ready to Start Your Skydiver Training?
- Accelerated Freefall Training
- 6-8 Hour Ground School
- 12,000 FT Skydive
- Solo (instructor assisted) Canopy Flight
- Includes Full Gear Rental
- Instructor Assisted Deployment Skydives
- 4-6 Hour Ground School
- 4,000 FT Skydive
- Solo (instructor-assisted) Canopy Flight
- Includes Full Gear Rental
Additional Jump Pricing
AFF Level 1 (Ground School + First Jump) = $375
AFF Levels 2-3 = $305
AFF Levels 4-7 = $200
IAD Jump #1 (Ground School + First Jump) = $230
IAD Jump #2-8 (max 8,000ft) – 20s Delay Max = $105
IAD Jump #9 – Cleared for Self-Supervision = $105
– $105 –
– Full Altitude = $35 –
– Hop & Pop = $30 –
– Full Gear Rental – (Includes Rig, Helmet, Altimeter) = $20/jump
– Square Reserve Repack = $75 –
– Additional Rigging Services = Call for pricing –
Veteran and Student Discounts Available!
What is Skydiving, Wing suiting, and BASE jumping?
By: Matt Myers | Skydive Airtight Skydiving, BASE Jumping and Wing Suits. What are they and how can you start? “Skydiving” loosely describes any sport that is part freefall and parachuting but what are the differences between them all and how can I get started in the...
First Jump Guide – What to Know Before You Skydive
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